It's all in a password protected site because the data's all confidential at
this point in time, but I can give you a mental picture.  

There are a bunch of dropdowns - State, Cancer, Sex, Race, Age.  We're
drawing a graph of best fit lines - up to 5 allowed on the graph, then we
start over replacing them.  We don't draw the actual data points unless the
user clicks on a checkbox.  They want that checkbox to be instant
gratification, without making the user refresh.  I just want a way to make
it do the refresh (and let me change that one variable, so it draws the
points or doesn't draw the points), but not a full submit because that would
add another line to the graph.

I'm sorry I can't send you the URL at this stage of the game.  it should be
up and running this summer though :-)

Thanks for any help you can give me!!


-----Original Message-----
From: Robert Cummings [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Thursday, May 16, 2002 3:56 PM
To: Leotta, Natalie (NCI/IMS)
Subject: Re: [PHP] refreshing PHP on onClick

"Leotta, Natalie (NCI/IMS)" wrote:
> This might be a little bit JS and a little bit PHP.  I'm wondering if 
> there's an easy way to refresh a PHP page on an "onClick" and change 
> one parameter (say someone wants to redraw the graph, but with the 
> points).  I don't want to pay attention to any of the other parameters 
> that could have changed on the screen (we've got a bunch of selects).  
> We had come up with a really complicated way which involved changing 
> the parameters to the most recent line drawn, deleting the most recent 
> line, and then submitting with those parameters and the showPoints 
> value changed, but that sounds pretty complicated.
> If anyone could come up with a quicker way that didn't involve the 
> whole submitting thing, that would be easier.  My page has all of the 
> vars that are necessary in hidden vars, and has HTML, PHP, and a 
> handful of JS.

You wouldn't happen to have a demo would you? A visualization would help me
a lot.

| Robert Cummings |
| Webdeployer - Chief PHP and Java Programmer  |
| Mail  : mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] |
| Phone : (613) 731-4046 x.109                 |
| Website :           |
| Fax     : (613) 260-9545                     |

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