Kelly Meeks wrote:
> Ok
> Let's say I'm querying a table, and looping thru the results:
> $connect=mysql_connect(host,user,pass);
> $thedb=mysql_select(database1);
> $thequery="select * from foo";
> $theresult=mysql_query($thequery) or die (mysql_error())
> while ($output=mysql_fetch_assoc($theresult)){
> do stuff here..
> }
> What if while I'm looping, I want to take the information I'm looping thru,
> and want to write it to completely different database, assuming that the
> same username and password info works for both databases?
> Would you use multiple mysql_select_db statements, and then make refer. to
> the result of that select in your queries?
> I'm getting errors when I do that.
> Sorry to be so moronical,

This is not moronical, it gets a lot of coders... what you need to do is
create another connection because the value returned from the mysql_connect
function is a resource identofier, which means if you run two queries on the
same connection the second result set will overwrite the first.

| Robert Cummings |
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