On Sun, 19 May 2002, Jason Caldwell wrote:
> I have several browsers installed; NS4.x, NS6.02, Opera 6.x, and MSIE 6.0 --
> I'm using gzip compression on my site through the ob_gzhandler.  My pages
> seem to load fine, however, ONLY in MSIE when I REFRESH (i.e.. with the
> Refresh Button) the page seems to lose it's table or table format, and
> everything looks all jacked up. This ONLY happens on a page reload.  The
> other browsers don't seem to have this problem --

I see something similar with Windows IE 5, 5.5, and 6 all the time,
particularly when I have a combination of absolute and relative
table/table cell widths. Sometimes it'll be messed up the first time
through, sometimes after a refresh. Never consistent, never predictable.


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