You are resetting $row inside your loop.  Don't do that.

On Sun, 19 May 2002, Lee P Reilly wrote:

> Hi,
> I wonder if someone could have a quick look at this for me? It's a
> simple while loop, but it's not acting the way (I think) it should. If I
> break down the while loop, it reads:
> --------------------------------------------
>   // $result contains 3 rows
>   while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))
>   {
>     echo " xxx ";
>   }
> --------------------------------------------
>      => xxx xxx xxx is displayed (as expected)
> If I add the following code to the loop, it only seems to iterate
> through it *once*:
> --------------------------------------------
>   while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))
>   {
>     $pri = $row['pri'];
>     $fg = $row['fg'];
>     $molw = $row['molw'];
>     $density = $row['density'];
>     $denstype = $row['denstype'];
>     $pctd = $row['pctd'];
>     $maxpctd = $row['maxpctd'];
>     $compid = $row['compid'];
>     $sql = "select * from compounds where compid = \"$compid\"";
>     $result = mysql_query($sql,$conn);
>     $row = mysql_fetch_array($result);
>     $compname = $row['compname'];
>     $concentration = $row['concentration'];
>     $concunit = $row['concunit'];
>     $type = $row['type'];
>     $composition = $row['composition'];
>     if ($fg=="Y")
>        $html .= "<b>$concentration $concunit $compname</b><br>";
>     else if ($pri=="Y")
>        $html .= "<font color=\"#000066\"> $concentration $concunit
> $compname</font><br>";
>     else
>        $html .= " $concentration $concunit $compname<br>";
>   }
> --------------------------------------------
> Expected results:
> --------------------------------------------
>    Actin #2543: Description here.
>    1 mol AEBSF
>    1.3 mol Calcium Chloride
>    1.4 mol Potassium Chloride
> --------------------------------------------
> Actual results:
> --------------------------------------------
>    Actin #2543: Description here.
>    1 mol AEBSF
> --------------------------------------------
>    i.e the last two compounds are not displayed.
> I can't for the life of me see the problem. A new set of eyes looking at
> this would be GREATLY appreciated. Thanks very much in advance.
> - Best regards,
>   Lee
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