$this usually is a self-reference inside a class.
Use it with care!
try to "echo $sql;", perhaps this tells you more.

Regards Michael

"James Opere" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
> Hi All,
>  I'm trying to pass variables from one form to the other.I have a problem
> when i want to do the the following:
> 1.COUNT($variable)
> 2.DISTINCT($variable)
> .............
> I realise i can not use the brackets in my query and the variable be
> recognised.When i add COUNT without the brackets i still get an error.
> Example.
> test.html
> <form action="me.php" method="post">
> <input type="text" name="this">
>  ..............
> This is sent to :
> me.php
> <?php
> $db=mysql_connect('localhost','','');
> mysql_select_db($database,$db);
> $sql="select COUNT($this) from $table group by  $this";
> ................
> ?>
>  This  gives an error.
> Please help.

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