Subject: U.S. PIRG update - Environment At Risk
Date: Wed, 22 May 2002 16:49:17 -0400

Dear supporter,
If there's one thing most Americans agree on, it's
the environment.

The vast majority of Americans support stronger
standards to keep pollution out of our air and
water.  From the Grand Canyon to the Arctic National
Wildlife Refuge, we support preserving our last wild
places as reminders of nature's grandeur and wonder.

Unfortunately, our environmental protections are in
jeopardy right now.  Never before has a presidential
administration been so willing to hand over the
power to weaken our environmental protections to
powerful special interests.  Since taking office,
the Bush administration has given unprecedented
access to industry lobbyists, inviting them to
weaken our environmental laws for their own private

The oil, timber, auto, and many other industries are
literally rewriting our environmental laws,
resulting in more toxic pollution in our air and
water, more clear-cutting in our last wild forests,
and more drilling in America's wilderness.

If we're going to stop the Bush administration from
letting special interests spoil our environment, we
need to take action.  Ask your members of Congress
to step up their opposition to the Bush
administration's environmental agenda -- and to
support stronger congressional action to clean up
dirty power plants, clean up toxic waste dumps, and
preserve our national forests.

Follow the link below to go to a web page where you
can e-mail your members of Congress.



Since taking office, the Bush administration has
done much to please corporate interests and almost
nothing to grapple with the environmental problems
facing most Americans.  The administration is
allowing coal, oil, timber, mining, and other
industries to weaken an unprecedented number of
safeguards for clean air, clean water, and public
lands.  Consider the following:

* Despite the clearly documented health and
environmental threats posed by coal-fired power
plants - such as increased asthma attacks, mercury
pollution, global warming pollution, and 30,000
premature deaths every year - the administration is
proposing to weaken, not strengthen, clean air
standards known as New Source Review.

* The Superfund program has been instrumental in
cleaning up the worst toxic waste sites around the
country.  The Bush administration has slowed down
the pace of cleanups at Superfund sites by more than
50%.  Innocent taxpayers are bearing additional
costs of the clean ups, while polluters enjoy a $4
million a day tax holiday.  While taxpayers are
paying more, the funds collected from taxes levied
on polluting activities to pay for cleanups
dwindles.  Superfund had $3.8 billion in surplus in
1995, the last year that the government collected
the polluter pays taxes.  In 2003, the Bush
administration estimates the surplus will shrink to
just $28 million.

* The Bush administration is also actively working
to weaken protections for public lands.  They have
failed to implement the widely popular Roadless Area
Conservation Rule to protect our last wild forests
from most logging and road-building.  They have also
pushed to drill in the Arctic National Wildlife
Refuge and other wild places.

If we're going to stop the administration from
letting special interests spoil our environment, we
need to take action.  Ask your members of Congress
to step up their opposition to the Bush
administration's environmental agenda -- and to
support stronger congressional action to clean up
dirty power plants, clean up toxic waste dumps, and
preserve our national forests.

Follow the link below to go to a web page where you
can e-mail your members of Congress.



Gene Karpinski
U.S. PIRG Executive Director

P.S.  Thanks again for your support.  Please feel
free to share this e-mail with your family and


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