Try reversing the filelocations in your ftp_put, like
if you have "remotelocation" and "mylocation", switch
them to say "mylocation" then "remotelocation". Just
a thought.

Adam Voigt

On Thu, 2002-05-30 at 22:26, Anthony wrote:
> Hi all, this is my first post on the php news groups, and im sure it wont be
> my last so I will first introduce my self, because im sure there are some
> regualar posters ;)
> My name is Anthony.. Im 14 years old and live in england, anything else you
> want to know ask :)
> Im working on a FTP uploader in php, but not for my own site, I want to
> offer it was a service to so over people can upload to there sites using my
> FTP script... but when you put the destonation (once they have connected) to
> / it trys to upload to a path in my site.. can any one explain why this is
> and how to correct it, It would be aprechiated a lot, thanks
> -- 
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