I can't seem to get session tracking to work to save my life.  The end result I'm 
after is to store the value of the single column returned from this query .. SELECT 
user_id from users WHERE user_name = '$user_name' AND user_password = '$user_password' 
.. for use throughout the site.  The current error I'm getting is "Warning: Failed to 
write session data (files). Please verify that the current setting of 
session.save_path is correct (/tmp) in Unknown on line 0" which is very strange, as 
session.save_path is set to /tmp, and tmp is "drwxrwxrwt    2 root     root".  The 
code is listed below.  Any suggestions are greatly appreciated.



//  if ($user_name) {
//      class 'new uid' { var $row->user_id; };
//      start_session();
//      $abqSession = new abqnl;
//      $abqSession->user_id = $uid;
//      session_register("abqSession");
// }

if ($user_name) {
$_SESSION["uid"] = $foo;
echo "$foo";

  include '/storage/apache/htdocs/test.radom.org/.siteconf.php';

  echo "<br><br>";

  if (!$user_name) {

  echo "<center>";

  echo "<table cellspacing=10>";
  echo "<tr>";

  echo "<form method=post action=\"login.php\">";

  echo "<td align=left>";
  echo "user name";
  echo "</td>";

  echo "<td align=left>";
  echo "<input size=12 name=\"user_name\">";
  echo "</td>";

  echo "</tr>";
  echo "<tr>";

  echo "<td align=left>";
  echo "password";
  echo "</td>";

  echo "<td align=left>";
  echo "<input type=\"password\" size=12 name=\"user_password\">";
  echo "</td>";

  echo "</tr>";
  echo "<tr>";

  echo "<td>";
  echo "</td>";

  echo "<td align=left>";
  echo "<center>";
  echo "<input type = \"submit\" value=\"submit\">";
  echo "</center>";
  echo "</td>";

  echo "</form>";

  echo "</tr>";
  echo "</table>";

  echo "</center>";


  } else

  $result = pg_exec ($database, "SELECT user_id from users WHERE user_name = 
'$user_name' AND user_password = '$user_password'");

  if (!$result) {
        echo "query died\n";

  if (pg_num_rows($result) == 0) {
  echo "<center>you have entered an invalid user name and password combination.  
please try again.  new users may create an account from the sign up link 

  for ($i = pg_num_rows($result) - 1; $i >= 0; $i--) {
  if(!($row = pg_fetch_object($result)))

  echo "your user_id is ";



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