Thanks Chris , but i used to run this script within the same
server(localhost) where oracle/php/apache reside. That's why im wondering
why this error appears. I've tried to setup oracle/php/apache with AIX and
it work fine. I've also red alot of documentation in setting up with RedHat
but still it doesnt work.
Is there something i need to consider when installing this in RedHat?



----- Original Message -----
From: "Chris Hewitt" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, June 06, 2002 5:41 PM
Subject: Re: [PHP] oracle again!!!!

> Michael,
> I have not used Oracle from PHP but I may be able to provide some
> pointers/questions.
> You do not say where the Oracle database is. If it is on the AIX
> computer then to connect you will need the "system@tnsname" form of user
> name to specify which connection in your tnsnames.ora file to use. (I
> assume you have modified the linux firewall to allow the ports used in
> the tnsnames.ora file to be open).
> I assume that you have the Oracle client code loaded onto the linux
> computer.
> If the database is local on the linux computer then maybe the firewall
> issue still applies. What Iwould look at first is the first error
> message. ORA-12546 is TNS:permission denied. This looks like the user
> that apache is run as cannot open the tnsnames.ora file. From the Oracle
> home you give, I think it should be trying to open
> /home/oracle/OraHome1/network/admin/tnsnames.ora
> but cannot do so. Is the file located here?
> Hope this helps.
> Chris
> Michael P. Carel wrote:
> >Hi,
> >
> >I've tried installing php with oracle support to my RedHat Linux server.
> >recieving this error when executing a sample Ora fucntion to connect to
> >oracle database.My oracle database works fine but my script canot
> >I've tried this sample script with my AIX server but it works fine.  I
> >really dont know why ...
> >Please help. heres my sample connect script:
> >
> >PutEnv("ORACLE_SID=oracle");
> >PutEnv("ORACLE_HOME=/home/oracle/OraHome1");
> >
> >$connection = Ora_Logon("system","manager");
> >
> >
> >if($connection==false){
> >        echo Ora_ErrorCode($connection).":".
> >exit;
> >}
> >
> >
> >
> >And heres my warning error:
> >
> >Warning: Oracle: Connection Failed: Error while trying to retrieve text
> >error ORA-12546 in /home/www/htdocs/selecting.php on line 9
> >
> >Warning: ora_errorcode(): supplied argument is not a valid
> >Oracle-Connection/Cursor resource in /home/www/htdocs/selecting.php on
> >13
> >
> >Warning: ora_error(): supplied argument is not a valid
> >Oracle-Connection/Cursor resource in /home/www/htdocs/selecting.php on
> >13
> >:
> >
> >
> >
> >I can connect to oracle remotely with my sqlplus using this account. Is
> >thereanything that i didnt know when settingup php with oracle in redhat
> >linux?
> >
> >
> >
> >Thanks in advance.
> >
> >
> >
> >Regards,
> >Mike
> >
> >
> --
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