You are correct. My web server is Running 4.2.1 and all of the sites are
still working.. That is why I assumed that it was a problem locally, but
after looking at the web server the globals is turned on. Thanks.. I can go
forward now. I appreciate your help

On 6/7/02 9:33 PM, "Philip Olson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Actually, they are.  You are assuming the PHP directive
> register_globals = on when using $phrase from the form
> below.  register_globals = on is what creates $phrase.
> As of PHP 4.2.0 the default value for register_globals
> has become off.  Regardless, there are other options:
> Try either:
> // Worked since PHP 3 (forever)
> print $HTTP_GET_VARS['phrase'];
> // Worked since PHP 4.1.0
> print $_GET['phrase'];
> print $_REQUEST['phrase'];
> // Worked since PHP 4.1.0 too
> // See docs for details (see also extract())
> import_request_variables('gpc', 'r_');
> print $r_phrase;
> Those are some options.  See also:
> Regards,
> Philip Olson
> On Fri, 7 Jun 2002, Beeman wrote:
>> I just read the release notes and do not believe they are referring to my
>> dilemma.
>> Here is the code I am using. Just a basic form
>> <<Form.php>>
>> <body>
>> <form action="form_act.php" method="get" enctype="multipart/form-data">
>>   <p>Phrase: 
>>     <input name="phrase" type="text" id="phrase" >
>>   </p>
>>   <input name="Submit" type="submit" value="Submit">
>> </form>
>> </body>
>> <<Form_act.php>>
>> <? 
>> if ($phrase){ echo "Phrase-- $phrase";}
>> Else{ echo "No Variables";}
>> ?>
>> On 6/7/02 9:08 PM, "Stuart Dallas" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> On Saturday, June 8, 2002 at 1:56:35 AM, you wrote:
>>>> I recently installed PHP 4.2.1 on my G4 Powerbook (OS X v10.1.4) running
>>>> Apache 1.3.2. I have verified that php is running and apache is running.
>>>> When I access a page locally, fill in the
>>>> only text box and submit the form to form_act.php. The variable doesn't
>>>> exist (as far as PHP is concerned. I have tested for its existance using an
>>>> IF ELSE). This happens with POST as well as GET, but when using GET I can
>>>> obviously see the variable name and value in the URL. Do I need to change
>>>> the default config for apache?? Or PHP? Can anyone please help before I go
>>>> completely crazy.
>>> Are you using $_GET['varname']/$_POST['varname'] or just $varname? If you
>>> are
>>> trying to use the latter, I suggest you read the release note for the
>>> software
>>> you just installed: (specifically the
>>> 'External Variables' section).
>> -- 
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