Nick Wilson wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> * and then Chris Sechiatano declared....
> > You have to code the PHPSESSID into your URL if your browser has cookies
> > disabled or else it won't work.
> No. As I said, i have php compiled with --enable-trans-sid

Php session work differently from PHPLIB.
PHPLIB will generate a session, if no cookie and no SID in URL is found,
then append it to the URL and redirect you there. In this situation,
phplib used to accept and adopt any SID in the url, if there was one.
Now no more: phplib will accept a session in the url only if it exists.

PHP session don't quite work the same. if no cookie nor SID in url, you
have to provide it in the URL, and it will be the session. In fact, if
you provide it in the url, it will adopt it and create it even if you
have cookies enabled! Great feature for spies.


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