I ran into this problem too - but there is a conf directive to handle it now
(even on FreeBSD, which I use) -


----- Original Message -----
From: "a.h.s.boy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, June 10, 2002 7:14 PM
Subject: [PHP] ForceType hack with Apache 2?

> I've built an application framework in PHP that makes heavy use of the
> "smart URL" technique for passing variables, which works great with
> Apache 1.3.22. I have reports, however, that it breaks under Apache 2.x,
> and would like to verify whether or not anyone can confirm this.
> I'm using URLs to pass parameters in the manner of the relatively
> well-known method, e.g.
>     http://www.server.com/info/display/123/index.php
> with
>     <Location info>
>        ForceType  application/x-httpd-php
>     </Location>
> in the httpd.conf file. It works like a charm (on Linux, anyway). I've
> run into problems with it under FreeBSD, but I was forewarned that it
> might not work there.
> Another user of the framework, however, just installed Apache 2/PHP
> 4.2.1 on Linux, and reports that the "smart URLs" aren't being so smart,
> and generate 404s.
> Strangely, the URL
>     http://www.server.com/info
> will correctly execute as PHP a script called "info", but
>     http://www.server.com/info/display/123
> will NOT execute the info script, instead looking for a directory path
> that doesn't exist, and generating a 404 error.
> Since I don't have Apache 2 installed, I can't test it myself. Has
> anyone used this trick (and made it work) with Apache 2? I don't know
> whether to blame a fundamental change in Apache 2, or to look for some
> other configuration error in the user's system.
> Cheers,
> spud.
> -------------------------------------------------------------------
> a.h.s. boy
> spud(at)nothingness.org            "as yes is to if,love is to yes"
> http://www.nothingness.org/
> PGP Fingerprint: 7B5B 2E7A FA96 865A D9D9  5D6D 54CD D2C1 3429 56B4
> -------------------------------------------------------------------
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