On Tue, 11 Jun 2002, Tom Ray wrote:
> I want to use unlink() to delete a wildcard, but at the moment I keep 
> getting parse errors. Here's what happening:
> I'm mucking around with some login stuff, when a user logs in it writes 
> a flat file that collects some information about them, the flat file is 
> created with the name username.dateyeartime Now each time they log in I 
> want to delete that file and replace it with the new file that has the 
> latest dateyeartime ending on it. I've tried unlink (username.*); but 
> that returns an error. Is there a way for unlink() to recongize 
> wildcards? If not how would I do this?

Once glob() makes it into the production version,

  foreach(glob('*') as $f) unlink($f);

Until then, use system('rm *'); or a readdir loop.

unlink() is not the rm command. It's a system call that deletes a specific 
named file. 


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