On Mon, Jun 17, 2002 at 10:46:27AM -0400, Andre Dubuc wrote:
> I'm tryiing to append entries in a db textarea field 'rbook'. Everything 
> works fine IF there is an existing entry. However, if no entries exist, it 
> nothing is written to the db. (PostgreSQL 7.2)

I'm not familliar with PostgreSQL, but it sure looks like your problem
stems from your using UPDATE queries.  If a record doesn't exist, there's
no record to update.  You need to use INSERT queries in that case.

Also, you only need one pg_connect() statement.  While that's not your 
problem, it's a waste to have them in there.  Just keep the one at the 
top.  Ditch the ones inside your if/else structure.


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