See these PHP directives:

  Directive:            Default:
  magic_quotes_gpc      on
  magic_quotes_sybase   off

If both are enabled, PHP will do what you want. 
magic_quotes_gpc is the PHP directive that essentially 
runs addslashes() on all your GetPostCookie data 
automatically, which is what you're experiencing.  This 
cannot be set at runtime with ini_set().

magic_quotes_sybase is a little different, if on then  
both magic_quotes_gpc and addslashes will escape as 
'' not \'.  magic_quotes_sybase can be set at runtime 
with ini_set() which will affect your use of addslashes().

Philip Olson

On Thu, 20 Jun 2002, Erik Price wrote:

> On Thursday, June 20, 2002, at 12:19  PM, James Drabb wrote:
> >
> > I was wondering if there is a setting to make PHP not change the posted 
> > data?  For
> > example I am posting a first and Last name and if I put in O'Hara for 
> > the last name
> > PHP returns O\'Hara.  I would prefer getting just O'Hara back and then 
> > replacing
> > the ' with '' myself.  I need to be able to put the posted data into 
> > MySQL and MS SQL.
> > MS SQL doesn't like the O\'Hara format.
> Investigate the gpc_magic_quotes setting in the manual.  It's set in 
> your php.ini.  You can either work around it using stripslashes() on 
> your GET/POST/COOKIE data, or you can change the setting in php.ini or 
> with a function that changes the setting like ini_set().
> Erik
> ----
> Erik Price
> Web Developer Temp
> Media Lab, H.H. Brown
> -- 
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