I have capture serial port (pabx phone) ,and get the file dat like in
So iwant make some page for read that conten in the file I just take
some part like this

Exsample :

17/06/02  07:27:30    08  00:00:59   437  2034224

16/06/02  08:11:25    06  00:03:55   437  2532034

15/06/02  08:25:19    08  00:00:12   234  0818797107

15/06/02  08:26:39    06  00:01:20   234  0818797107

15/06/02  08:33:52    07  00:09:25   437  2500682

15/06/02  08:49:12    07  00:02:47   303  7806168

15/06/02  08:51:12    08  00:01:52   303  7806584

15/06/02  08:53:02    06  00:01:46   303  7211716

15/06/02  09:00:40    07  00:01:06   326  2501682

I want make screen lay out like this

Date      extension  No Phone    Long          Type call     Cost
17/06/02   437       2034224     00:00:59      Local          500

16/06/02   437       2532034     00:03:55      local         1000

15/06/02  234        0818797107  00:00:12      Handphones    3500 

15/06/02  234      0818797107  00:01:20      Handphone     5000

15/06/02  437      0212500682  00:09:25      Interlocal    10000  

15/06/02  303       7806168        00:02:47      Local          600

15/06/02  303         7806584    00:01:52      Local          500    

15/06/02  303         7211716    00:01:46      Local          500 

15/06/02  326         2501682    00:01:06      Local          500 

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