Okay, I am a total pussy and gave up on Linux to run my PHP server.  I'm
back to Win98, and everything is working fine except...
For some reason, anytime I have a script that tries to set/access a
session variable, I get this error....
Warning: open(/tmp\sess_slkfjsdkjfljfk, O_RDWR) failed: m (2) in
c:\apache\htdocs\...\page.php on line xx
(the sljfsldljksf is a big session number) then it says...
Failed to write session data(files).  Please verify that the current
setting of session.save_path is correct (/tmp) in
c:\apache\htdocs\...\page.php on line 0.
I apologize if this is a apache or mysql problem.
Anyone know what I'm doing wrong?

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