I still don't get what the big fuss of OO programming is about ...How many
of us have done so?  Could some one please point out another feasible
advantage of OO programming a part from the fact that I would make someone
else's work easier by using this style of programming...

It's not just about style, as a matter of fact it has nothing to do with
style at all. I guess this comes from mostly other programming venues...

OOP is a method of making code more modular, containerizing things which
logically belong togther by group. You can create special instances of the
group, but you don't have to keep them if you don't need them. It also has
the benefit of making code more reusable. I can create classes for things
that I can use over and over again in various applications. As a matter of
fact, I have a 'customer' class that I use in every application within the
company. If the customer changes I can modify the class without breaking
existing code. If I have a special customer I can create an instance of that
customer reflecting special qualities not found in the customer class, and
then discard that instance once it is no longer needed. In order to have
that special customer I only have to add the special characteristics and
inherit everything else from the standard customer class.

Since scripting languages, like PHP, PERL, VBScript and others have
traditionally (up until a couple of years ago) been "top down" languages,
OOP has not caught on as quickly amongst web development enthusiasts. The
folks at PHP readily admit that there are some things lacking in their OO
implementation, and no matter what happens you have to use those classes
with non-object procedures. And that is the same for every so-called OO

An example that gets used a lot is the vehicle class. Think of all the
different types of vehicles out there
*cars                   *helicopters
*trucks         *boats
*bicycles               *hovercraft
*buses          *motorcycles
*airplanes              *scooters

now think about the instances of cars (sub classes, if you will)
*sedan          *sports car
*town car               *limosine

and think about all the brands a car can be
*BMW                    *Ford
*Toyota         *Chevrolet
*Audi                   *Mini-Cooper

and think about the characteristics
*four door              *two door

Of course the above is a very incomplete example. But you can see where
having a base class could help. Then other classes that inherit from the
classes above that, and so on.

The bottom line on OOP in PHP though? Use it where and when it makes sense.
It is not right for every application or situation. But if you find yourself
using something over and over again that is not a function (like a database
connection scheme, I have that in a function which is included() when
needed. I pass variables to it for all the required info) but rather
describes an object or class of objects, you may want to set up a class.



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