Thanks very much.  This make total sense to me.  Now, I was pretty sure that
I was getting an array back from mysql_fetch_array because when I do a
'print $myCourses' without specifying any value, I just get 'array' which I
believe I am supposed to, IF it is truly an array.  Anyway, I'm going to
revisit the mysql_fetch_array function right now.  Thanks for your help, it
is greatly appreciated.


"Steve Edberg" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> At 3:27 PM -0700 6/29/02, Brad Melendy wrote:
> >Hi All,
> >I've stumped myself here.  In a nutshell, I have a function that returns
> >array based on a SQL query and here's the code:
> >
> >-------------begin code-------------------
> >function getCourses($UID)
> >  {
> >  global $link;
> >  $result = mysql_query( "SELECT C.CourseName FROM tblcourses C, tblusers
> >tblEnrollment E WHERE C.ID = E.CourseID AND E.UserID = U.ID AND U.ID =
> >$UID", $link );
> >  if ( ! $result )
> >   die ( "getRow fatal error: ".mysql_error() );
> >  return mysql_fetch_array( $result );
> >  }
> >------------end code ----------------
> >
> >I call this from a PHP page with the following code:
> >
> >------------begin code--------------
> >$myCourses = getCourses($session[id]);
> >foreach ($myCourses as $value)
> >  {
> >  print "<br>$value";
> >  }
> >------------end code---------------
> >
> >Now, when I test the SQL from my function directly on the database, it
> >returns just want I want it to return but it isn't working that way on my
> >PHP page. For results where there is a single entry, I am getting the
> >entry TWICE and for records with more than a single entry I am getting
> >the FIRST entry TWICE.
> >
> >Now I know my SQL code is correct (I am testing it against a MySQL
> >using MySQL-Front) so I suspect I'm doing something stupid in my foreach
> >loop.
> I think your problem lies in a misunderstanding of the
> mysql_fetch_array() function. It doesn't return the entire result set
> in an array - just one record at a time. You can fix this in one of
> two ways:
> (1) Loop though the entire result set in your function:
>     function getCourses($UID)
>      {
>       global $link;
>       $ResultSet = array();
>       $result = mysql_query( "SELECT C.CourseName FROM tblcourses C,
tblusers U,
>        tblEnrollment E WHERE C.ID = E.CourseID AND E.UserID = U.ID AND
U.ID =
>        $UID", $link );
>       if ( ! $result )
>        die ( "getRow fatal error: ".mysql_error() );
>       while ($Row = mysql_fetch_array( $result ))
>       {
>        $ResultSet[] = $Row['C.CourseName'];
>       }
>       return $ResultSet;
>      }
>     ...
>     $myCourses = getCourses($session[id]);
>     foreach ($myCourses as $value)
>      {
>      print "<br>$value";
>      }
> or (2) set a flag in getCourses() so that the query is only executed
> once, otherwise returning a result line - something like:
>     function getCourses($UID)
>      global $link;
>      static $result = false;
>      if (!$result)
>       {
>         $result = mysql_query( "SELECT C.CourseName FROM tblcourses C,
> tblusers U,
>          tblEnrollment E WHERE C.ID = E.CourseID AND E.UserID = U.ID AND
U.ID =
>          $UID", $link );
>         if ( ! $result )
>          die ( "getRow fatal error: ".mysql_error() );
>       }
>      {
>      return mysql_fetch_array( $result );
>      }
>     ...
>     while ($Row = getCourses($session[id]) as $value)
>      {
>      print "<br>", $Row['C.CourseName'];
>      }
> (standard caveats about off-top-of-head, untested code apply)
> The reason you are getting the first record TWICE is becaouse of the
> default behaviour of the mysql_fetch_array() function. It returns
> both an associative array - ie, elements of the form <field-name> =>
> <value> - and a numerically indexed array (0, 1, 2, etc.). You can
> alter this behaviour by the second parameter of the function: see
> -steve
> >I'm hoping someone will spot my dumb mistake.  Thanks very much for any
> >at all on this.
> >
> >....Brad
> >
> >
> >
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> | Steve Edberg                                      [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
> | University of California, Davis                          (530)754-9127 |
> | Programming/Database/SysAdmin      |
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