>hello everyone--
>i'd like to know if this can be solved with php.
>i'll be creating a pdf form that'll be downloaded, filled and turned
>the form must have a unique NUMBER printed on it each time it is
>i'd like to use php to update this NUMBER (ie. counter + 1) each time
>the form is
>accessed, and automatically print this NUMBER on the form that sits on
>the server.
>is this possible?

No problem.

If the rest of the PDF is easy to create, or can be just a JPEG, you can
just use libpdf.

First, you'll need some kind of counter.  Probably trivial to do it with
MySQL, right?

Then, use the PDF library and http://php.net/pdf_show_boxed to paste in the
Serial #.

You could also look into fdf as well, if the rest of the PDF file is really

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