Here is a piece of my code...
Could someone tell me what I did wrong? I get the following errors;

Warning: Undefined offset: 1 in c:/www/htdocs/demos/download/inx_news.php on
line 33
Warning: Undefined offset: 1 in c:/www/htdocs/demos/download/inx_news.php on
line 34 

(obviously, the line numers will not be the same here)

define('SCRIPT_NAME', 'InXNews');
define('SCRIPT_VERSION', 'v1.1');
define('SCRIPT_CREATOR', '<a href="mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]";>Chris
define('CREATE_DATE', '05/29/02');
define('REVISED_DATE', '06/04/02');

$open = fopen("";, "r");
$read = fread($open, 25000);

list($StringA, $StringB)= split ("In The News", $read);
list($StringC, $StringD)= split ("</td></tr></table></td></tr></table>",
list($StringE, $StringF)= split ("</td></tr></table>", $StringD);
$StringE = str_replace("s/", "";, $StringE);
$StringE = str_replace("<a ", "<a target=\"_new\" ", $StringE); 

// Can be changed to whatever you like or remove all together.
print "<small><b>In the News</b></small>";

// Keep this line, everything else can change for the output.
print "$StringE</table>";

// Ok to be suppressed.
print "<small><b>Script Name:</b> " . SCRIPT_NAME . "<br><b>Version:</b> " .
print "<br><b>Creator:</b> " . SCRIPT_CREATOR . "</small>";

Christopher J. Crane
Network Operations Manager
IKON Office Solutions

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