        I have a PHP script which gets data from a MySQL database and
returns an image. So <img src="getdata.php?id=3"> returns the image of
id 3 from the database. What I really want is to state width is 100 and
height is 100 for example so I do not have to downlaod the entire
picture and specify the width and height as part of the image:
        Do not want     
        <img src="getdata.php?id=3" width="100" height="100">

        WHat I want
        <img src="getdata.php?id=3&width=100&height=100">

        WHich will be a lot quicker on the client side.

        I cannot make a permanent file to use when I get the information
from the PHP database due to server security, only a tmpfile which the
data can then be placed. But to use the image functions you need to
specify a filename. THere does not seem to be a way to get the filename
of a file pointer so how do I do it please?

        I have asked the ISP to give me permissions to create files int
he server directory but they will not let me. 

        Thanks you!


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