I've searched the entire archives and google for a solution to this.  There
are plenty of references to the "Unable to fork" error.. most having to do
with a bug in PHP 4.02.  I writing the script for a remote Windows server
running PHP 4.21 so the bug shouldn't be a problem.. I can only assume I am
not doing it correctly.  The script simply needs to convert a file using
ImageMagick stored in c:\Program Files\ImageMagick...

I've tried..
$cmd = "c:\\Program Files\\ImageMagick\\convert -quality
80 -antialias -sample '".$x."x".$y."' '$obj' '$dest'";

And on a tip that I found in the list archives I tried..
$cmd = "convert /c dir c:\\Program Files\\ImageMagick -quality
80 -antialias -sample '".$x."x".$y."' '$obj' '$dest'";

Both return Unable to Fork errors..
Warning: Unable to fork [convert /c dir c:\Program
Files\ImageMagick -quality 80 -antialias -sample '320x240'
'C:\PHP\uploadtemp\php43.tmp' 'e:/NLObjects/thumb.jpg'] in
c:\inetpub\wwwroot\exchange_tmp\uploadtest.php on line 72

I have used ImageMagick successfully on a UNIX server.  But I didn't have to
specify the location of the convert tool.  This is Windows server and I
really don't have a clue if I am doing this correctly.  Any help will be
greatly appreciated.


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