On Sun, 7 Jul 2002, Miguel Cruz wrote:

>> <?
>> if(ini_set("register_globals", "0"))
>>   echo "ini_set success";
>> else
>>   echo "ini_set failed";
>> ?>
>Please don't say "this code doesn't work." Say why you think it didn't 
>work, whether that's because you received an error message, or a specific 

Uhh.. I don't have any thoughts as to why it doesn't work, that's why I 
posted.  The function itself appears broken, my code is a test to that 
notion.  If you can't be helpful then feel free to shutup..

>expected outcome was not realized, or whatever. Otherwise it doesn't 
>really tell us anything. Obviously it doesn't work or you wouldn't be 
>posting it.

Yes, the obvious is always pretty easy to restate.  If you need more 
explanation than the code itself I don't knwo what to tell you.

>> At http://php.net/ini_set it states the following setting is possible:
>> register_globals "0" PHP_INI_ALL
>> Translated, PHP_INI_ALL means: Entry can be set anywhere
>> So does anyone know why my code doesn't work then?  ini_set() seems 
>> broken.  Can anyone confirm or deny?
>I believe the issue here is that by the time your PHP code starts
>executing and gets to the ini_set call, it's too late to register the

"gets to the ini_set call" - what do you mean?  The code I posted is all 
there is to the entire script.  Where else would I use the ini_set() 
function except at the very beginning of a script?

>globals (which must happen before execution begins). Therefore I'd suggest
>looking into .htaccess or whatever the IIS equivalent is. If there's no

Thanks but I have no idea about IIS, that's why I posted, to see if this 
might be an IIS specific issue some other windows users experienced. 

>equivalent then I'd suggest throwing the server out the window.


Greg Donald

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