Never mind that just needs a space....
Thanx for all the help...

have a surf to  register and then i'll make you a
MOD for the php scripting forum board.
for the future.

if you want


"Danny Shepherd" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> You just knew there was a regexp version on the way, didn't you :)
> Danny.
> <?php
> function unixTime($time)
> {
>  $time=preg_replace('/(.{4})(.{2})(.{2})(.{2})(.{2})(.{2})/','\\1/\\2/\\3
> \\4:\\5:\\6',$time);
>  return strtotime($time);
> }
> $time1='20020707140000';
> $time2='20020707160000';
> $timeDiff=unixTime($time2)-unixTime($time1);
> echo "The two times are $timeDiff seconds apart";
> ?>

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