Please don't repeat your questions, see the 
other post for details.  In short, it has to 
do with register_globals directive in php.ini

Philip Olson

On Tue, 9 Jul 2002, Terry Cheung wrote:

> I 've just setup the Apache 1.3.26 with PHP 4.2.1. When I use back the old
> php script files. They can display successfully,  but whei I submit the
> data, they cannot pass to the second page even they can be shown in the URL
> with "get" method. here is one of my script
> jobapp.php
> <HTML>
> <!-- jobapp.php-->
>  <BODY>
>  <?php
>   require("common.php")
>  ?>
>  <H1><?php echo (COMPANY); ?> jobs application form</H1>
>  <P>Are you finding a challenging career in the bicycle world?
> Still waiting for what?</P>
>  <FORM NAME='frmJobApp' METHOD= "get" ACTION="jobapp_action.php">
>  Please Enter Your Name Here(Required):
>  <INPUT NAME="applicant" TYPE="text"><BR>
>  Please enter your phone number:
>  <INPUT NAME="phone" TYPE="text"><BR>
>  Please enter your E-mail address(Required):
>  <INPUT NAME="email" TYPE="text"><BR>
>  Please choos the Department:
>  <SELECT NAME="position">
>   <OPTION VALUE="a">Account</OPTION>
>   <OPTION VALUE="b">Repairing</OPTION>
>   <OPTION VALUE="h">Human Resources</OPTION>
>   <OPTION VALUE="m">Marketing</OPTION>
>   <OPTION VALUE="s">Sercices</OPTION>
>  </SELECT><BR>
>  Please choose your working place:
>  <SELECT NAME="country">
>   <OPTION VALUE="ca">¢D[R3?j</OPTION>
>   <OPTION VALUE="cn">??¢Xe</OPTION>
>   <OPTION VALUE-"cr">-o-U?n¡LE</OPTION>
>   <OPTION VALUE="us">?u¢Xe</OPTION>
>  </SELECT><BR>
>  <INPUT NAME="avail" TYPE="checkbox">¢Ds¡Le?W¡ÂZ<BR>
>  <INPUT NAME="enter" TYPE="submit" VALUE="Enter">
>  </FORM>
>  </BODY>
> </HTML>
> jobapp_action.php
> <HTML>
> <!jobapp_action.php-->
>  <BODY>
>  <?php
>   require("common.php");
>   $submit=1;
>   if (!$applicant){
>    $submit=0;
>    $applicant = "<B>Invalid Name</B>";
>    }
>   if (!check_email($email)) {
>    $submit = 0;
>    $email ="<B>Invalid Email</B>";
>    }
>   echo("<B>Following is your information:</B>".
>    NL.NL.
>    "Name: $applicant".NL.
>    "TEL: $phone".NL.
>    "E-Mail: $email". NL.
>    "Country:  ");
>    switch ($country) {
>    case "ca":
>     echo("Canada");
>     break;
>    case "cn" :
>     echo("China");
>     break;
>    case "cr" :
>     echo ("Crostirica");
>     break;
>    case "tw" :
>     echo ("Taiwan");
>     break;
>    default :
>     echo ("USA");
>    }
>    echo (NL. "Working Department: ");
>    switch ($position) {
>    case "a":
>    echo ("Accounting");
>    break;
>    case "b":
>    echo ("Reparing");
>    break;
>    case "h":
>    echo ("Human Resources");
>    break;
>    case "m" :
>    echo ("Marketing");
>    break;
>    default :
>    echo ("Services");
>    }
>    echo (NL);
>    $avail=isset($avail);
>   echo("¢Ds¡Le?W¡ÂZ: ". ($avail ? "¢Di¢DH": "?¢G¡Âa"));
>   ?>
>   <FORM method="post">
>    <INPUT TYPE="submit" VALUE="Submit">
>    <INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE="|^?W?@-?" onclick="self.history.back()">
>   </FORM>
>  </BODY>
> </HTML>
> -- 
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