I'm setting up a simple content-management system for a webzine. I'm not
sure which method would be the most efficient:

1)  Put all content in a database and dynamically flow content into a few
different "article" template files.


2) Build the content as actual pages with dynamic elements for menus, and
store only basic info about each article in CMS database (such as title,
publish date, writer, keywords, etc.).

Option 1 would make it very easy to modify the look of all articles, but,
I'm concerned that using just a few templates for all articles would slow
down the site if lots of people are simultaneously accessing articles. The
site gets about 750,000 page views per month, so, while it's no Yahoo, it
does get a decent amount of traffic.

Option 2, on the other hand, would remove the load from just a few templates
by setting up actual pages for each article, but, it won't be as easy to
make site-wide design changes this way, and I won't be able to do some
things like automatically paginating longer articles over several pages.

Anyone have any input or words of wisdom they can offer on the best method
for setting up a content management system? Thanks!


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