
Analysis & Solutions wrote:
> On Fri, Jul 12, 2002 at 10:59:00PM -0400, Blue Presley wrote:
>>Hello.  I have a form that I would like to use checkboxes.
>>... snip ...
>>I've been told that if I want to manipulate each
>>one then I should use 'name=checkbox[]' and make an array out of it.  okay,
>>fine.  but how do i access them in my PHP script? I know I have to use the
>>$_POST[] array, but this creates a multidiminsional array, yes? do i access
>>it like $_POST[checkbox[1]]?? or $_POST[checkbox][1]??
> The latter.  But note, if a box isn't checked, it's not going to be 
> sent, so won't be in the array.
>    <form>
>    <input type="checkbox" name="StateID[]" value="32" /> NV
>    <input type="checkbox" name="StateID[]" value="33" checked /> NH
>    <input type="checkbox" name="StateID[]" value="34" checked /> NJ
>    </form>
> In this case $_POST['checkbox'][0] would be 33 and ...[1] would be 34.
> Sometimes it's handy to identify the key upfront:
>    <form>
>    <input type="checkbox" name="StateID[32]" value="608" /> NV
>    <input type="checkbox" name="StateID[33]" value="2" /> NH
>    <input type="checkbox" name="StateID[34]" value="40" checked /> NJ
>    </form>
> That would yield $_POST['checkbox']['34'] = 40.
> A nice way to handle incomming checkboxes is this:
>    while ( list($Key, $Val) = each($checkbox) ) {
>       #  do what you need to do...
>       #  for example, show what was sent...
>       echo "<br />$Key = $Val\n";
>    }

Just one thing, as someone noted a week ago or so, you can't use the [] 
syntax *and* javascript. If you also need to process your checks from 
jscript side you shall resort to some older method and have your 
variables called like

<input type="checkbox" name="StateID_32" value="608" /> NV
<input type="checkbox" name="StateID_33" value="608" /> NV

then process it with variable variable names (the $$ syntax).



LoRd, CaN yOu HeAr Me, LiKe I'm HeArInG yOu?
lOrD i'M sHiNiNg...
YoU kNoW I AlMoSt LoSt My MiNd, BuT nOw I'm HoMe AnD fReE
tHe TeSt, YeS iT iS
ThE tEsT, yEs It Is
tHe TeSt, YeS iT iS
ThE tEsT, yEs It Is.......

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