I'm having a huge problem with getting variable variables to work.

Here's what the code looks like...

        // This is set from a previous array...
        $the_variablename[0] = "processors";

        // Now I include a file called vars.processors.php
        // (which contains an array called processors[] )

Everything works fine so far.  Then i make the variable variable, and the
shit happens.

        // I want to set a javascript array value - already
        // set up in the script...
        // So I want to retrieve a value from the included
        // file dynamically and create a javascript statement
        // like this:
        //      processors[0] = (whatever the value of $processors[0] within the
included file)
        echo $the_variablename[0]."[0] = ".$$the_variablename[0][0].";\n";

And what do I get for wanting total control and dynamic code??
Undefined variable.

Is it because i'm accessing an array within the array?

Should I be calling it as:

or do I need to establish a separate temp variable to take care of the array
value, like this:
        $temp = $the_variablename[0];
        echo $$temp[0];

Please help!!?!


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