Why not try it for yourself?  If it seems helpful then use it, if not then

Henning Sittler

-----Original Message-----
From: Martin Clifford [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, July 15, 2002 11:05 AM
Subject: [PHP] Alley-OOP! ... or not?

Hey all,

I've seen quite a few programs that seem to greatly favor Object Orienting
Programming (OOP) in their code.  I don't mean to start a holy war or
anything of the sort, but as a burgeoning PHP developer, I would like the
opinions of my peers.

So how about it, ladies and gents?  Tell me about the Pros and Cons to OOP,
and why you prefer to use it/not use it!

Personally, I've always used regular functions to accomplish my repetetive
tasks, and OOP seems rather daunting for me, but I'm always open to new (and
hopefully, more efficient) ideas!  Thanks!

Martin Clifford
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