on 17/07/02 12:35 PM, John Holmes ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

> You shouldn't even have to do this. Just set a $_SESSION['logged_on']
> variable to true and check for that. Why carry around the username and
> password??

Well, I guess it's because I started with someone else's script, and built
my own from there.  Not being a security expert, I assumed that they did
this for a reason.

Are you saying that setting $_SESSION['logged_on'] after I've validated
their login (once) is just as safe as $_SESSION['uid'], $_SESSION['pwd'] ?

Interesting stuff...

So the real problem with sessions is hijacking the session ID, not fake
$_SESSION vars.

I guess I need to look into session hijacking next.

>> So, how do you implement a "remember me" safely?
> You don't, if you have anything to protect. If it's just for a forum or
> convenience and might just cause a little headache is someone's user is
> hijacked, then you can do it with a cookie.

What about if the cookie was set under https / SSL

> Why do people insist on it being something related to the username and
> password. Just use uniqid() and md5() to create a unique id for the use,
> save it in their table, and use that in the cookie. If you base it off
> of something, it makes it easier to crack...

Good point.

Thanks for your advice.

Justin French

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