PHP can't help here -- you should do a search on the web for "liquid"
website designs, or check out / borrow some code from other sites you've
seen work.

Although not valid, I've seen height="100%" work on 1000's of sites.
Combined with a CSS statement, you should be able to cover all browsers.


on 24/07/02 6:10 AM, Briggsy ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

> I am hoping someone can help me with a desperate problem I am having
> I know nothing about PHP and hoping that it might be able to solve a problem
> I have with HTML tables.
> I want my web background to cover the entire screen regardless of screen
> size. The background has a header, a left side nav and a footer. I want the
> footer to be on the bottom of the screen or bottom of the text, which ever
> is greater. If you go to you will get an idea of what I'm
> talking about. If you are using IE 5.x or greater it should show correctly.
> I used the HTML table tag height=100%, however this is not a valid tag and
> therefore Netscape ignores it. Also if  I use it it wont validate as a true
> complaint code, which I want it to.
> So can I use PHP to create a table or place the background images to create
> a header, side nav and footer with the middle white section adjusting to
> screen size.
> I don't want to have to greater multiple sites for different resolutions and
> would rather have one template that all pages call by an include statement
> (That's the ASP command, think I saw the same command in PHP)
> Any help or solution would be appreciated as I have been searching the net
> and working on this for weeks and I'm getting nowhere.
> Thanks
> Shane.

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