When they say, "install it on your workstation" are you sure they mean your
desktop computer?
phpMyAdmin is not a normal install on your desktop (unless you run a server
with PHP and MySQL on your desktop, which you may do)

It's very straight-forward to install phpMyAdmin on your web site.  And yes,
there are severe security implications to consider.  You should protect the
phpMyAdmin install with either an .htaccess file, or using the
"authentication method" to "http" of phpMyAdmin (I'm not sure that's exactly
what it's called... but it's close)

If you leave the install of phpMyAdmin unprotected, your database is
completely vulnerable.

Does this help?

> I have just recently just signed up for virtual hosting with a MySQL
> database.  They do not have a PHPMyAdmin interface too access the
> database.  All they have given me is my username and password and the
> server too login too.  They suggested that I install PHPMyAdmin on my
> workstation and access my database that way.
> Is there major security risks too my database doing this?  Is this normal,
> where service providers request that I install PHPMyAdmin on my
> workstation or should I be looking for a new internet service provider who
> supplies the interface on the server?

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