>Thought I turned on register_globals on in the php.ini, my server
>didn't know the HTTP_POST_FILES.
>echo $HTTP_POST_FILES[$file]['type'] ;
>echo $HTTP_POST_FILES[$file]['name'] ;
>echo $HTTP_POST_FILES[$file]['size'] ;
>I've always get these messages:
>PHP Warning: Undefined variable: HTTP_POST_FILES in
>c:\inetpub\wwwroot\ohabolana\scripts\sary_vaovao.inc on line 4 PHP
>Warning: Undefined variable: HTTP_POST_FILES in
>c:\inetpub\wwwroot\ohabolana\scripts\sary_vaovao.inc on line 5 PHP
>Warning: Undefined variable: HTTP_POST_FILES in
>c:\inetpub\wwwroot\ohabolana\scripts\sary_vaovao.inc on line 6

first, you are uploading the file to this page correct?

perhaps a bit of code showing your file handling?


depending on version you can use $_FILES for short

if register globals is on you can refer to the files as the form field name for
your file upload

you may wish to reconsider globals defaulting to on though, (see security
section on file uploads)  also check to see that the file was indeed uploaded...

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