Alexander Kuznetsov schrieb:

> Hello Oliver,
> Thursday, July 25, 2002, 1:42:05 PM, you wrote:
> OW> Alexander Kuznetsov schrieb:
> >> i think u should set write permissions to directory
> >> where u r trying to copy file
> OW> Thank you for answering.
> OW> But how do I set write permisisons? With a .htaccess file?
> OW> Oliver
> i think the reason is write permission on file system of the server
> and u have to type chmod command:
> shell> chmod a+r /place/to/put/uploaded/file
> P.S. When reply message use Reply-To All option for you answer will be
> accessible in PHP-general mailing list ;)
> --
> Best regards,
> Alexander Kuznetsov

I got a ftp program that i wanna use to set write permission. It tells me
to enter it like that:
site chmod %a[Mode] %a[Filename]
I still don't know how to do it, can somebody please give me an example?

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