
You can also find something about your questions on:

I had tested out by printing (repeated times):
1) echo '<br>'.$k.': hallo '.$string.', dit is het<br>'."\n";
2) echo "<br>$k: hallo $string, dit is het<br>"."\n";
3) ?><br><?=$k?>: hallo <?=$string?>, dit is het<br><?="\n"?><?

I found: The fastest way to print was 3)
Second came 1) (no much difference) and
the slowest way 2) (about 2 times slower).

I haven't tested printf("<tr><td> 

Best regards,

Bas Jobsen

Op zondag 28 juli 2002 09:56, schreef Yves Vrancken:
> Greetings,
> I am new to PHP and trying to implement some PHP and MySQL on my website.
> My website has a lot of tables and inside some of those tables, I want to
> display information that is drawn out of the MySQL database using PHP. I
> was wondering what goes faster:
> (A). Building the whole page normally up in HTML, doing the usual <table>
> <td> and so forth, and then inside the <td> calling up the PHP in order to
> display the information. For example: <td> <?php ...... ?> </td>
> (B). Doing everything in the PHP document, also the 'building' of the
> tables, and then including the PHP script in the main page. For example
> using printf("<tr><td>  and so forth.
> Thanks,
> Yves Vrancken

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