Hello !

You may try this installation steps :

Before the installation steps, please uninstall all of the sources code packages
that you have ever installed...

Markas wrote:

> Hello, people.
> So the problem.
> I have apache running with php-module.
> Recently I've upgraded the 4.0.6 version up to 4.2.2.
> All my php configuration directives in httpd.conf (php_flag, php_admin_flag,
> php_value, php_admin_value) are not working now. When I change libphp4.so
> back to 4.0.6 the directives work, if I use 4.2.2 module - they don't. The
> configuration of apache and php.ini are not being changed. The php.ini in
> both cases is almost the same.
> The configure options of both php-versions seems to be the same.
> Where is the problem? Did I miss anything while configuring and installing
> 4.2.2 php module? I can not find any info in php docs.
> --
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