OK, changed the subject to what I think it should be about.


"Shew" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Hi - I'm a TOTAL php NEWBIE - my 1st bit of code!!!.
> Basically the input form page has 17 sets of radio buttons, each
> representing one game with 2 options - team 1 and team 2. What I want to
> is a better way of checking each radio button value instead of using an if
> statement for each. This code doesn't really work - it finds that vars
> ALWAYS exist.
> IE:
> <INPUT NAME=Game1 VALUE=1>Chicago
> <INPUT NAME=Game1 VALUE=2>whatever
> <INPUT NAME=Game2 VALUE=3>Minny
> <INPUT NAME=Game2 VALUE=1>Nobody
> Code above is processed by the following code:
> for ($GameIdx = 1; $GameIdx <= 17; $GameIdx++) {
>  /* instead "hardcoding each radio button name - just do it
> by concatenating / creating the name */
>  $frmGame = "Game" + $GameIdx;
>  if ($frmGame) {
>   /* U want to check if the length is 5 or 6 bytes because it could be
> "game1" or "game14" */
>   $Length = strlen($frmGame);
>   if ($Length == 5) {
>    $GetNumber = 1;
>   }
>   else {
>    $GetNumber = 2;
>   }
>   $GameID = intval(substr($frmGame, $Length - $GetNumber, $GetNumber));
>   print "Game ---> $GameIdx - $frmGame - $GetNumber - $GameID <BR>";
>     if ($GameID == $GameIdx) {
>    print "Yeah Match - $GameID = $GameIdx <BR>";
>    /* OK, here is where U want to do the actual insert */
>   }
>  } /* $frmGame endif */
> }
> ?>
> Thanks

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