I mean this:

i have this tree:


now i'm in ./user/ directory
i run file1.php
it includes ../libs/lib1.php which in turn will include helper.php
(./users/helper.php) <-- will fail!

how can i programmatically set the include path?


"Reuben D. Budiardja" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
On Friday 02 August 2002 10:02 am, lallous wrote:
> I have this:
> //file1.php
> <?
> include('../libs/lib1.php');
> ?>
> now lib1.php:
> <?
> include ('helper.php');
> ?>
> If i run file1.php ->includes lib1.php -> fails to include helper.php ! !
> how can i solve that?

We need more information that this. What's the error message? what do you
In anycase, you should be able to run lib1.php first without error, before
trying file1.php. If the former causes error, resolve that first.


> p.s: currently, i'm chdir()ing to the ../libs path, then i return to
> current dir...
> my code cannot make use of Apache's help. (like setting the include path
> inside .htaccess)
> thank you,
> Elias

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