
On 08/03/2002 01:36 AM, Lord Loh. wrote:
> I have a database of mysql with 3 million records. No query is performed in
> less than 10 seconds!(With Index and all that)

The index will not do magic by itself, especially if it is not unique.

> Any way to speed this up ?

Sometimes your queries need to be rewritten

> How on earth does US Social Security dept. maintain so many records ?

Most likely they use Oracle or something as sophisticated that among 
other things can do table partitioning.

> Google has 1 billion pages and qurys in a few milliseconds...

Real search engines do not use SQL databases.

> I am not saying that they are using MySQL!
> Should this be asked in a mysql list ? Please suggest a NNTP server!

Yes, MySQL is good but it is not magic. You can stretch it a bit with 
some optimization of your setup, but what often works better is 
rethinking your application. Does it really need to store 3 million records?


Manuel Lemos

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