Just use empty() ?!

With error_reporting(E_ALL) you'll get a bunch of warnings if you only use
empty() w/o the isset() !

use isset() first and then check wheter empty or not empty!

so there is not one function that tests for empty and isset same time!?

"Analysis & Solutions" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> On Fri, Aug 02, 2002 at 04:48:17PM +0200, lallous wrote:
> >
> > function issne($var)
> > {
> >    return isset($var) && !empty($var) ? true : false;
> > }
> >
> > is there is any builtin function that does that? (one function call).
> Yes.  Just use empty().  It automatically checks if the variable is:
>    not set
>    null
>    an empty string
>    zero
> If any of them are true, the empty() function returns true.  You don't
> need your function at all.
> --Dan
> --
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