
On 08/03/2002 05:41 AM, Lallous wrote:
> any windows version of this product?

AFAIK, you compile it for Windows. I was also told that is a major headache.

Anyway, don't despair, it seems that some developers are working on 
providing already compiled PECL extensions that can be automatically 

> "Manuel Lemos" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
>>On 08/02/2002 11:06 AM, Lallous wrote:
>>>Is this equivalent to Zend Encoder?
>>Not exactly, but in some aspects it is/will be better like the ability
>>to generate executable standalone PHP programs that you can distribute
>>independently. There is also the question of the price that for Zend
>>Encoder is ridiculously expensive.
>>Other than that, if you're main concerne is protecting your PHP code,
>>you can do very well with bcompiler.
>>>"Manuel Lemos" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
>>>>On 08/01/2002 01:58 PM, Yc Nyon wrote:
>>>>>Is there any method to encrypt PHP files.
>>>>Use bcompiler which is free and is part of PEAR/PECL official PHP
>>>>extensions repository:


Manuel Lemos

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