Hi, I was discussing with a friend at a webhost I use and they have been experience a wierd problem recently with their php safe mode, I went to help and after spending a while in the bug database I couldn't find anything to explain it.
Basically every time you view a phpinfo page it will randomly change the local setting for safe mode from on or off, where the global setting is allways on... We also found out that if you run a php script 1000 times echoing the state of safemode it is constant for out the execution of the script, but it might change the next time we re-fresh the page. The servers which are affected are using Plesk which is a control panel thing which basically bundles freeBSD, apache, php, mysql together with a PHP front end for users and admins...The current version of the software is as follows: PHP 4.1.0 Apache 1.3.22 FreeBSD 4.1-RELEASE (The builds would be newer but this is what the lastest Plesk provides) I was wondering if anyone could have a explaination for this bug, if you want to see it for yourself check out my http://www.lusernet.34sp.com/phpInfo.php page. Since I'm not a admin of this webhost, and I'm only really doing this because I'm curious as well I can't give any more server specific details then what is publicly available on the phpInfo page since I don't know them :) Anyway thanks for any reply Andrew