I've had a web site under development on my Win2k box at home. I built and
tested everything with PHP 4.2.2 and Apache 1.3.24.

Now, I have transitioned everything up to my host who is using a Linux box,
PHP 4.2.2 and Apache 1.3.26.

One of the pages I designed has code that retrieves a list of thumbnails
from a directory name passed into the page then embeds a hyperlink to a full
size version of the thumbnail. Incidentally, the full size version is in the
same directory as the thumbnail and has a very similar filename:
tn_000001.jpg and 000001.jpg (guess which one's the thumbnail).

Here's the problem:
When I run the page on the web host's server, the link to the full size
image dies. I've tracked the problem to the case of the linked filename.
Basically, unless the filename in the href matches the case of the target
file, the link dies and I get that nice, little red X indicating the link to
the image is broken.

For example, the target image DSC000001.JPG _MUST_ be referenced in the href
as: href='../path/to/resource/DSC000001.JPG' If I reference it as
href='../path/to/resource/dsc000001.jpg' the target image won't show up.

I have temporarily resolved the issue by designating the filename used in
the href as upper case using the strtoupper() function, but I can't believe
that's the way it's SUPPOSED to be done.

What I'd like to know is does the Linux server introduce case-sensitivity
issues? It doesn't seem to matter with the elements of the path, just the
target filename.

Help is appreciated.


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