
    thank you for asking, i can actually connect to db2 via command line no
problem, i can even connect to the database via TCP/IP using the IBM DB2
Run-Time Client on a Win32 machine. Just having a problem with PHP

    it's possible that i can't connect because it doesn't seem that i have
the DB2 Connect software installed according to ./db2setup........ could
that be possible?

__________________________________ connecting via CLP....
[auser@ndn auser]$ su db2inst1
[db2inst1@ndn auser]$ db2 connect to thedb
   Database Connection Information

 Database server        = DB2/LINUX 7.2.0
 SQL authorization ID   = DB2INST1
 Local database alias   = THEDB

            thanks again,


"Dan Vande More" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
Doug, can you log in via plain db2 in linux (sorry if you said you could, I
didnt read that far back).

Heres what I do:

[root@somelinuxbox /root]# su - db2inst1
[db2inst1@somelinuxbox db2inst1]$ /usr/IBMdb2/V7.1/bin/db2
(c) Copyright IBM Corporation 1993,2001
Command Line Processor for DB2 SDK 7.2.0

You can issue database manager commands and SQL statements from the command
prompt. For example:
    db2 => connect to sample
    db2 => bind sample.bnd

For general help, type: ?.
For command help, type: ? command, where command can be
the first few keywords of a database manager command. For example:
 ? CATALOG DATABASE for help on the CATALOG DATABASE command
 ? CATALOG          for help on all of the CATALOG commands.

To exit db2 interactive mode, type QUIT at the command prompt. Outside
interactive mode, all commands must be prefixed with 'db2'.
To list the current command option settings, type LIST COMMAND OPTIONS.

For more detailed help, refer to the Online Reference Manual.

Enter current password for MICHAEL:

   Database Connection Information

 Database server        = OS/400 4.4.0
 SQL authorization ID   = MICHAEL
 Local database alias   = CMSFIL

db2 =>

Names changed to protect my network!:)

Can you do that?


-----Original Message-----
From: Doug Smith [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, August 09, 2002 7:02 AM
Subject: Re: [PHP] can i use --with-unixODBC instead of --with-ibm-db2?


    I wish you were my boss :) I love MySQL and would want to use it instead
of db2 (seeing i could probably have had it working with php last week ;) )
but.... Somehow my boss loves to waste money on IBM products....... and then
hires on people who don't know how to use them well (i.e. me!). My
philosophy is: don't waste money on it, if you can use some open source --
for example he wanted to use IBM WAS (websphere application server) but, PHP
will do everything we need to do, and is a lot easier to deal with than the
bulky WAS.


    I had seen the IBM document that you referenced about connecting DB2 to
PHP, in fact, it's the main document i used to start attempting to get PHP
to work with DB2. The second doc you referenced from phpbuilder.net was
definately a good find -- had a couple ideas that i hadn't tried (i.e.
catalogging the db, running apache as db2inst1 [still trying to get that to
work, db2inst1 doesn't have the priviledges that root has, and henceforth
can't access all the files needed by apache])

    Matt, thanks again for all your help!


"Matt" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
047001c23f46$f7707c40$[EMAIL PROTECTED]">news:047001c23f46$f7707c40$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> It seems way too difficult to configure db2 on linux. Let alone trying to
> it on freebsd, which I hope to tackle that next week.
> I tell you though, I really love mysql, it's so easy to use, and
> mysql just works. mysql's performance on a table I have that has roughly
> 250,000 rows of address entries, beats our as/400 with db2 by orders of
> magnitude  and  mytest box is a  Celeron 300.
> Anyway, this is where I found the solution to the gibberish line that I
> in my doc (see step 3) :
> You may find this of help:
> http://www.phpbuilder.com/mail/php-db/2001011/0076.php
> Oh, did you call your instance db2inst1?

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