Well, first off sory for a very basic question, but i really dont know 
where else to look for the answer. Heres my dilemma:

        I need to code a backend for this site i am building, the backend will 
manage the news for the front page. The database stuff is pretty straight 
forward (so far!), but i need to validate who does the managing, i mean, 
some sort of login for only a few people. I am thinking of using 
username/pass from a table and all that but the thing is, how do i do the 
validating itself? Sure i know how to check for valid user/pass, but then 
what happens for the rest of the pages inside the backend, how do i keep 
the user validated and make sure only he can browse inside that "secure" 
mini site?
        Dont know if i am explaining things right, hmm, ok, any of you guys are 
familiar with gryematter? It validates the user at the start and then we 
can do whatever we want inside. I want to prevent users from skipping the 
login and just typing the other page url and go on from there.
        I use sessions, cookies? what? can you provide me with some urls for my 
research, or at least what to look for?
        Thanks a lot, really appreciate all the help.


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