Thanks again, Justin...

Any suggestions on how to store/transmit the credit cards securely?  And how
do I process them manually?  How do I get set up to accept credit cards?"


"Justin French" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> on 10/08/02 12:05 AM, The Gabster ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> > Thanks a lot...
> > Hmm... I gues for the beginning I would go and process the purchases
> > manually. Later on if the purchases increase, than I would opt for
> > proccesing credit cards via the server.
> So initially you would just store/transmit the credit cards securely (a
> whole other can of worms!!), and process them manually offline.  I'd
> recommend this for any start-up e-commerce site, because it cuts down some
> development, start up costs and saves the margins that an online
> merchant takes.
> When and if you decide to automate the credit card process (authorising
> charging the card), it's done through a merchant.  This will totally
> on your circumstances and budget, but you basically pass the details to a
> third party that specialises in this stuff, like (and
> of other similar business'), a bank or financial institution etc etc.
> All of them will have different procedures and code, but you basically
> them the details, they pass back a "success" or "failure", charge the
> card, take their % cut (everything from a flat fee like $1, through to 3%
> 5%), and pass on the rest to you.
> There are further options above and beyond this, but they'd be out of
> reach/budget of almost any small-medium e-comm site.

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