On Wed, 14 Aug 2002 01:09:32 +1000, you wrote:

>I was hoping that maybe there's an opensource or commercial product out
>there that I can install in my doc root (ie, PHP + MySQL support) which will
>handle this in a more effective manner (ie, space the mailout across an hour
>or so, etc etc).

Take a look at some of the dedicated mailing list managers, and see if
perhaps you can modify them to get their subscriber list from your
database.  EZMLM by all accounts is very nice, although I believe it
requires Qmail.  Majordomo is another option.

If you don't want the complexity of those types of programs, look at
some Perl-based solutions.  I've been learning Perl as time allows,
and I've found that it's not too difficult if you're already a PHP
person to pick up Perl.  A search on www.hotscripts.com or
www.freshmeat.net may turn up something.

I'm using a very basic Perl-based mailing list manager called
Minimalist, which I am modifying to read it's subscriber list from a
database.  It may be too simple for your needs, however, as it does
not do any spacing of mail delivery or anything like that...but in
case it's useful in some way here is the URL:


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