as part of a larger application we have a bit of code that processes whois to
determine domain name expiry dates.  Most formats are easily parsed, but
Register.Com has thrown the little regex for a loop and I am unsure as to a
clean workaround.

Here is what we have;




        exec($command,$cresult,$cstatus); # puts all lines into array
            if(preg_match($pregmatchstring,$cresult[$i], $matches)){
                        $expire.=strtotime(trim($matches[4],". \t\n\r"));


This regex handles pretty much everything...
> strip space characters from the front (some indent)
> identify the exipery date line from other verbose entries containing "expir"
or similar

> any other spaces, .....:, or other verbose crap afterwards **except for
> essentially grabs everything else up to the first number
> thought I was being slick with this one
> grab numbers/date - gets the 2002/12/01, 09-APR-03, 2002-08-19 00:00:00.000
> and make case insensitive

takes care of
        Renewal-Date: 2002/12/01
        Registered through- 08/16/02 00:00:00
        Expires on: 09-APR-03
        expires: 2003-01-17 02:16:03
        Domain expires on 03-Apr-2003
        Record expires on 2002-08-19 00:00:00.000
        Record expires on 29-Mar-2003.
        Record expires on 2003-03-25.
        DOMAIN EXPIRES : 2003-03-25.
        Expiry Date..........2003.03.25

HOWEVER...  this simple solution breaks for because of their date
        Expires on..............: Tue, Jul 29, 2003

because the regex only returns "29, 2003" as the date which barfs for the

not the regex fault of the strtotime fault, as they are doing what instructed...

Any ideas on a way to simply overcome the format and still keep a
simple all inclusive regex for all registrars?



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