> Hi All,
> I'm trying to print some date right out of an php file,
> to do this i use the  printer_draw_text  function.
> All works fine for one line, but how can i print more than one line?

printer_draw_text($handle, "+", 100, $y);
printer_draw_text($handle, "+", 100, $y);


> When i put my text in a string, and try to print the string
> it will print nice squares, but it will not print multiple lines.
> I have read the manual, but no help there.
> This works for one line:
> $handle = printer_open();
> printer_start_doc($handle, "My Document");
> printer_start_page($handle);
> $font = 
> printer_create_font("Helvetica",36,24,200,false,false,false,0);
> printer_select_font($handle, $font);
> printer_draw_text($handle, "test", 10, 10);
> printer_delete_font($font);
> printer_end_page($handle);
> printer_end_doc($handle);
> printer_close($handle);
> but when i try this, it will print squares (like unknown character)
> $handle = printer_open();
> printer_start_doc($handle, "My Document");
> printer_start_page($handle);
> $font = printer_create_font("Arial",36,24,200,false,false,false,0);
> printer_select_font($handle, $font);
> $text = "Hello,\nThis will be the second line";
> printer_draw_text($handle, $text, 10, 10);
> printer_delete_font($font);
> printer_end_page($handle);
> printer_end_doc($handle);
> printer_close($handle);
> Greetings
> Peter
> -- 
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